

Errol's Fun Stuff

Where’s Errol?

If you guess the right answer, the link will take you to see something else cool in this country.

Where’s Errol?

If you guess the right answer, the link will take you to see something else cool in this country.

Where’s Errol?

What is the name of the city that Errol is in? If you guess the right answer, the link will take you to see something else cool in this country.

Where’s Errol?

Errol is in the UAE. What desert is Errol in?

What’s Errol Doing?

Can you guess what sort of car Errol is about to test drive?

Where’s Errol?

Errol is with his friend on the beach

Where’s Errol?

What Canadian city and province is Errol in?

Where’s Errol?

What is the name of the city that Errol is in? If you guess the right answer, the link will take you to see something else cool in this country.

Where’s Errol?

Errol is in a library in central Newfoundland. Can you guess which one? Hint: It’s where Errol flies his plane.

Where’s Errol?

What Canadian City is Errol in now?

Where’s Errol?

Where’s Errol?

Which American state is Errol in?

For more fun, click on the image to print, cut and colour these Errol and Dan images. Put them on popsicle sticks to make puppets so you can play with them and make up your own adventures.
